Sunday, August 8, 2010


1 comment:

  1. Lord we thank you how you have recruited, planned and provisioned for this 2nd Yr GLI - Africa 2010. May our hearts and lives come with so much of what Heaven desires to give away and release in West Africa and especially to these in this 2nd year's class. May we all come away with upgrades in our vision of the Good News of God and Heaven's passion towards reconciliation - heaven to earth. Lord we pray for salvations, healings, and the release of those held in captivity. Lord we pray for believers to move closer (reconciled) towards your image of them and their calling for this time of their life. May each of these pastors (2nd yr students) receive favor towards this next season of their calling ad if the "Lord Sets You Free" you are free indeed. Father as your Son was so moved by Father God's heart & doings; and inspired by the prophets (Heaven's) message in Isaiah 61 and the prophet Joel's proclamation, may new foundations (pillars / cornerstones) be laid during this mission for Heaven's heart for West Africa. May West Africa become a thin space for Heaven and a gateway for "Thy Kingdom come, and Heaven's will be done on Earth, as it is in heaven" where Christ sits at the right hand of the Father. Lord light Heaven fires of mercy, compassion, grace and peace here in Sierra Leone and may it spread to West Africa.
